Advocacy in Action - Rancho Cucamonga and Ontario Fees


Goal #1 of the BIA Government Affairs team is to advocate for a balanced approach to new development fees, zoning regulations, code amendments and design standards. BIA is happy to announce two advocacy successes:


Rancho Cucamonga Transportation DIF

The BIA Baldy View Chapter worked closely with the City of Rancho Cucamonga as they prepared their annual update to the Transportation Development Impact Fee (DIF). After multiple meetings between the City and BIA Builder Members, the proposed 15.3% DIF increase was reduced to 11.8% (a savings of $389/home, in perpetuity). The Fee Resolution also include a provision that would delay the implementation of the 11.8% increase until January 1, 2022 for residential subdivisions whose Final Map or Parcel Map have been recorded as of the adoption date of the resolution. This exemption will save BIA Members $1,666 per home over the next two years.


Ontario DIF Deferral

The BIABV Government Affairs Team and the New Model Colony Builders, have been partnering with the City of Ontario to identify best practices for development. After several discussions, the City of Ontario will now allow the payment of Development Impact Fees (DIF) to be delayed until the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. By deferring the DIF payment to the Certificate of Occupancy rather than collecting at issuance of Building Permit, BIA members have the option to significantly lower their carrying cost, reduce interest charges and increase liquidity. Thanks to the advocacy efforts by the BIA Baldy View Chapter, over a dozen cities in San Bernardino County now offer the deferral of DIF payment as standard practice.